24156              CEREBRAL INFARCTIONS


The patient was a 75 year old woman who had a past history of diabetes and hypertension.  She was admitted on 30/6/72 with a myocardial infarct and pulmonary oedema.  She was not able to communicate, but no other neurological signs were noted.  She died after 14 days.


The specimen is a horizontal section through the hemispheres showing massive recent haemorrhagic infarction in the region of the left middle cerebral arterial territory.  The left hemisphere is swollen, compressing the left lateral ventricle and deviating the septum pellucidum to the right.  In addition there is a small haemorrhagic infarct in the right visual cortex in the posterior cerebral arterial territory.  There is quite marked notching of the left uncus and hippocampus and a lesser degree of notching of the right uncus.

Last modified: Monday, 31 July 2017, 1:22 PM