22346              SEMINOMA OF THE TESTIS


No clinical information is available except that the patient complained of a painless lump for 6 weeks.


The specimen consists of a testis together with 12 cms of the spermatic cord.  The testis measures 5.5 x 3 x 4 cms and on section shows two rounded pale fleshy neoplastic nodules, one at the upper pole measuring 3 cms in diameter.  In addition in the angle between these two nodules is an haemorrhagic nodule 1.5 cms in diameter.  The remaining testicular substance appears normal as does the spermatic cord.  Histology shows undifferentiated sheets of cancer cells some of which are dark and other clear.  In many places invasion of small lymph vessels is obvious.  There is no lymphoid infiltration nor any evidence of teratomatous change.

Last modified: Thursday, 3 August 2017, 9:05 AM